1 min read

Winter Always Turns to Spring

Painting courtesy of Daisy Ting Du

The rain has stopped for now. After ten days of torrential rain, flooding, and mudslides, we have a reprieve until Friday.

The sun is shining brilliantly in the cloudless azure sky. Birds have returned en masse to my feeders; their spring song spills unfettered from their hearts.

I can hear the chickens and the roosters across the road. The hens are pecking at the ground furiously; perhaps they are trying to fill their bellies with plump, juicy worms before the next storm. The roosters are crowing loudly and frequently. They sound like they are saying, “I’m the king of the world.” I believe the hens are rolling their eyes.

Sounds of spring are most welcome after the freezing winter. We were gifted snow for the first time in a decade and more snow than ever recorded here.

I am uncertain about spring arriving so soon. It’s comforting to sit near the fireplace on a dreary rainy day with a book and a cat or two snuggled in my lap, needing nothing more than the occasional rub on the cheeks—the purring lulling me into a long winter’s nap.

Spring is busy for animals and humans alike. We rise from our hibernation with enthusiasm to create. Our opportunity to reconnect with nature and all her wondrous beauty draws us outside, where we view our surroundings with a fresh perspective and appreciation.

Planting the garden, trimming bushes, and preparing for the hot summer months will be in full swing soon. Tending plants gently, lovingly as though they are our children. The plants don’t complain, and in return for the love we shower them with, they provide us with nourishment for the body and soul.

While I’m not quite ready to release winter, I am in sync with the seasons and embrace the magic and wonder of each.